Why People want to use Fragrances People don't realize it, but we smell odors(good and bad) everyday of our lives, many times we get use to them and they go unnoticed, but nevertheless they are there. Most evidence today shows that fragrances can and do influence our moods, memory, emotions-arousal, and even mate attractions. Lampe Berger has done extensive research with fragrances and have found that fragrances have significant measurable effects on mood states. Basically fragrances are emotional. The sense of smell is plugged directly into the brain, in a region where emotions and memory reside. This causes either a response of pleasure or displeasure, along with a response of happiness and relaxation. Benefits of Fragrances: lessens irritation, stress, depression and apathy. Fragrances also increases happiness, sensuality, relaxation and stimulation as Lampe Berger has found with the development of Easy Scent for the home and Car. Please ...